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We Become What We Behold


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We Become What We Behold is a thought-provoking game that captures the cyclical nature of media influence and public behavior. This simple yet profound game uses a minimalist interface to highlight how news coverage can amplify societal behaviors and attitudes. Players take on the role of a media outlet, deciding what events to photograph and broadcast. The choices made by the player will influence the behavior of the characters within the game, demonstrating how media can spotlight certain actions and in turn, shape societal norms and perceptions.

We Become What We Behold is a thought-provoking game that captures the cyclical nature of media influence and public behavior. This simple yet profound game uses a minimalist interface to highlight how news coverage can amplify societal behaviors and attitudes. Players take on the role of a media outlet, deciding what events to photograph and broadcast. The choices made by the player will influence the behavior of the characters within the game, demonstrating how media can spotlight certain actions and in turn, shape societal norms and perceptions.

The Power of Media in Shaping Perceptions

As players interact with We Become What We Behold, they are presented with scenes from everyday life in a small park square, where various characters display different behaviors and reactions. The game challenges players to select which moments to capture and share, effectively steering the narrative and public focus. This mechanic serves as a powerful commentary on the responsibility of media in shaping cultural and social dialogues. The game’s progression unfolds based on the player’s choices, leading to different outcomes and revealing the significant impact of media on public consciousness.

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